SysML to AADL Bridge Tool
Systems Engineering Safety and Security Analysis Framework (SESSAF)
CAMET® (pronounced "camay") stands for Curated Access to Model-based Engineering Tools. The CAMET Library provides system engineers with practical and powerful analysis tools to support Model-based DevOps, Digital Engineering, and the Architecture Centric Virtual Integration Process (ACVIP), and other modern development methodologies.
As modern cyber-physical systems grow in scope and complexity, embedded software is responsible for the vast majority of the system’s functionality. Typically, testing and analysis for system-level requirements for embedded systems is not done until later stages of development when the cost to fix problems is orders of magnitude higher than fixing them in the earlier phases. These system-level requirements involve critical trade-offs between size, weight, power budgets, bandwidth and CPU utilization, which have significant ramifications on timing, as well as safety and security.
Galois’s CAMET® Library of model-based engineering tools helps system engineers and architects improve system capabilities and reduce the risk of cost and schedule overruns. CAMET supports the delivery of highly reliable, highly functional, safe and secure cyber-physical systems.
The CAMET® Library was created to analyze and detect flaws in complex systems early on, during the requirements and design phases. CAMET’s powerful tools were developed with the support of SBIR awards from multiple agencies.
Phase III SBIR support from the Army has matured them for use on the Future Vertical Lift program, one of the Army’s top modernization priorities.
Tools that support continuous integration and testing for model-based engineering and analysis
Subscribers have access to all CAMET Library tools, software, models, and other materials
Each subscription provides access for up to five users
User guides, example models, and instructional videos help new users get up and running
The CAMET Library analysis tools operate as plugins to the Open Source AADL Tool Environment (OSATE)
Selected CAMET Library tools operate as standalones via a standard Java API for use in any Java-friendly environment
The Architecture and Analysis Design Language (AADL) is an SAE International aerospace standard (AS) system model specification language (AS5506C) that supports various types of performance and safety analysis.
The Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Technical Standard defines a Reference Architecture intended for the development of portable software components targeted for general purpose, safety, and/or security purposes. The AADL Annex for the FACE Technical Standard Edition 3.0 (AS5506/4) provides guidelines for the integrated use of AADL and FACE Technical Standard data specifications and components.
The CAMET® Library supports a range of modeling methodologies and technical standards throughout a project life-cycle, from system requirements through system integration.
The tools listed below have been designed to meet the complex demands of a modern model-based digital engineering environment, namely:
Integration of multiple analyses into a shared workflow.
Continuous virtual integration with mixed developer models.
Automated model verification, report generation, and code generation.
The CAMET Base Pack bundles the most-used CAMET Library tools in one download to simplify initial installation and use. It includes example models and full tool documentation.
(Model Format: AADL)
The RMF Analysis tool analyzes models to reduce the risk that systems will fail certification under DoDI 8510.01 Risk Management Framework for DoD Information Technology (IT). The analysis answers the following questions:
Does the architecture isolate information flows with different criticalities?
Does the architecture place security controls everywhere they are needed?
Are the controls enforced as intended (non-bypassable and tamper-resistant)?
For demonstrations please see these videos:
(Model Format: AADL)
The MILS tool analyzes AADL models to reduce the risk that systems will fail certification under DoDI 8540.01 Cross Domain Policy. It verifies that connected components operate at the same security level and that different security levels are separated with a protective measure like an air gap or an approved cross domain solution.
To learn more, explore the following videos:
(Model Format: AADL)
SESSAF incorporates a top down analysis methodology aimed at identifying complex, multi-factor safety and security hazard scenarios, particularly in software reliant systems. It guides safety experts through a structured conversation, helping them methodically apply their domain knowledge to a specific system design. Using a wizard interface, the experts answer questions about safety and security concerns specific to the system design. Using the expert’s responses, SESSAF updates the AADL based system model which is then used by system engineers to address the findings and to generate customized reports.
For demonstrations, please see these videos:
(Model Format: AADL)
The MADS tool helps engineers detect faults by assessing domain isolation in AADL system architecture models. Analyzing multiple classes of domain isolation simultaneously, developers can identify defects arising in one class due to model changes associated with a different class.
(Model Format: AADL)
FASTAR applies timing and resource analysis tools that support multiple scheduling methods and different types of equipment in order to provide end-to-end, system-wide analysis results. Supports MAST for distributed priority-scheduled systems, and SPICA for ARINC 653 scheduled systems.
For a demonstration, please see this video:
(Model Format: AADL)
FASTAR generates schedules from a model of real-time embedded software systems. Schedules address thread and connection timing, demand requirements, and constraints on specified end-to-end flow latencies. Generates ARINC 653 schedules.
(Model Format: AADL)
RTOS generates RTOS-specific schedule configuration from an architecture model of the software components to be integrated in the target execution environment. The configuration is generated from a model that has already undergone analysis and verification using other tools.
Supports LynxOS-178 RTOS.
For a demonstration, please see this video:
(Model Format: AADL)
SPICA has two core capabilities: schedule simulation and schedule generation. Specifically, it provides tools to generate ARINC653 partition schedules, and to analyze the timing of ARINC653 standard schedules. SPICA can be invoked on AADL models using either FASTAR or the Continuous Virtual Integration Toolkit.
(Model Formats: AADL, FACE, and SysML implemented in MagicDraw)
SLICED allows system engineers to conduct behavioral analysis of models to detect errors in messaging patterns/paradigms, sampling rates, and latency requirements in embedded systems software. It combines timing analysis and Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) data models with descriptions of the state of a software Unit of Portability (UoP).
For demonstrations, please see these videos:
(Model Format: SysML, Enterprise Architect, and MagicDraw/Cameo supported)
The System Modeling Language (SysML) was developed for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). It has a broad scope that encompasses a range of systems, from civil engineering projects to organization operations. The Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) was developed for embedded computer systems architectures and associated equipment. AADL provides standard semantics within the embedded computing domain, while SysML does not.
Using AADL standard semantics in models enables a variety of existing computer system architecture analysis, integration, and testing tools to be applied to models. The SysML-to-AADL translation tool allows them to be used together in a collaborative and synergistic way: The strengths of SysML for overall systems engineering can be combined with the strengths of AADL for specifying and analyzing embedded computer subsystems within an overall system.
(Model Format: AADL)
DSI provides provides an infrastructure, automation tools, and visualization tools that allow trade space analysis to be performed continuously as models are updated.
DSI combines systems architecture specification and analysis technologies to support least commitment design of complex systems such as aircraft and spacecraft. When applied to system design, a least commitment approach helps developers avoid making premature design decisions that must later be retracted, thereby reducing or eliminating re-work costs. DSI helps developers make design decisions when necessary by automatically and continuously evaluating design alternatives throughout the development process.
CVIT Applies the software engineering concepts of continuous integration and testing to model-based engineering and analysis. CVIT allows users to stand up a server at their facility that automatically executes scripts for integration, analysis, and report generation of system models. Most CAMET Library analysis tools support CVIT, and instructions are included for adapting other tools to use CVIT.
(Model Format: Web Ontology Language (OWL))
INDIGO provides capabilities to access multiple models and domain ontologies and explore relationships within sets of models developed in different languages using different tools. An enhanced browser recognizes access protocols and data in RDF formats to create a library of sources. Users select sets of models, interactively build queries supported by automated reasoning, with results displayed by choices of viewers.
ISOSCELES is a reference architecture and set of development tools that enables developers to create safe and secure products, including Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems, medical devices, and other embedded systems connected to a network, e.g., the Internet. Developers are able to focus on the functionality of their product with ISOSCELES providing the surrounding safety and security. ISOSCELES is compliant with cyber security best practices, FDA approval guidelines and security requirements, and California's IoT law effective January 2020. The reference architecture and documentation is open source and the development tools are available to sponsors of Adventium's CAMET Library. Support is available separately to integrate ISOSCELES into the system development workflow of its users.
Further information:
Please contact us at to become a subscriber to Galois's CAMET® Library. At this time, subscriptions are only available to verified US-based organizations.
Each subscription provides access to all CAMET Library tools, software, models, and other materials for the term selected.
Enterprise Support, as well as new tools or functionality improvements, can be contracted separately. See below for Enterprise Support plans.
Government users, as well as academic institutions that plan to use the library in course curriculum and teaching, can apply for no cost access. Academic subscriptions require a professor or instructor of the academic institution as the primary point of contact.
By purchase of the CAMET subscription, the Buyer agrees in full to the terms and conditions of the CAMET Library Terms of Use, and the End User License Agreements of the individual CAMET Library Software Tools. Upon receipt of the completed form, the buyer will be sent an invoice, payable by check or credit card. Upon receipt of payment, Galois will provide instructions for access to CAMET library.
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For a list of Model-Based Engineering Tools available in the CAMET Library, .
Supports modeling standards such as AADL, SysML, and
Each subscription provides access to all CAMET Library tools, software, models, and other materials for up to five users for the term selected. Enterprise support agreements, as well as new tools or functionality improvements, can be contracted separately. To learn more and subscribe, .
For an example view of CAMET tools deployed on OSATE (Open Source AADL Tool Environment), watch (YouTube). To see how the SysML to AADL Bridge Tool allows SysML modelers to generate AADL for analysis, integration, and verification tasks in OSATE, watch (YouTube).
Overview Video:
Demonstration Video (external link):
For a demonstration, please see this video:
Contact us at to learn more.
Getting Started with CAMET Analysis Tools ->
Introduction to the Architecture Centric Virtual Integration Process ->
Overview ->
Getting Started ->
Trade Space Tools Demo ->
Framework for Analysis of Schedulability, Timing and Resources (FASTAR) Demo ->
RTOS Configuration File Generation Demo ->
Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS) Demo ->
Continuous Virtual Integration Toolkit (CVIT) Demo ->
Risk Management Framework (RMF) Demo 1
Risk Management Framework (RMF) Demo 2 ->
Model-based Analysis Using Domain Expertise (MAUDE) Demo ->
Stakeholder Access to Embedded System Models (SAESM) ->
SESSAF Installation Video
Model Creation ->
Adding Flows to the Model
Safety Analysis ->