Last updated
Last updated
Some of the material below was created for an earlier version of Cryptol. While the core ideas still apply to the current version, there have been some syntactic changes to the language, so some of the examples need to be translated to the current version.
Browning, S. and Weaver, P. Designing Tunable, Verifiable Cryptographic Hardware Using Cryptol. In Design and Verification of Microprocessor Systems for High-Assurance, David S. Hardin, Editor. Springer 2010.
Colby Hoffman, Jeff Lewis, Brad Martin, Sally Browning, A Complete Design Flow for MILS in a Single High Assurance FPGA, European Reconfigurable Radio Technologies Workshop, 2010.
Levent Erkök, Magnus Carlsson, and Adam Wick. Hardware/Software Co-verification of Cryptographic Algorithms using Cryptol. In Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design Conference, FMCAD’09, Austin, TX, November 2009, IEEE.
Levent Erkök, John Matthews. High assurance programming in Cryptol. In CSIIRW’09: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research, Oak Ridge, TN, April 2009, ACM.
Levent Erkök and John Matthews. Pragmatic Equivalence and Safety Checking in Cryptol. PLPV 2009: 73-81.
Lee Pike, Mark Shields, John Matthews: A verifying core for a cryptographic language compiler. ACL2 2006: 1-10.
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